
le Collectif du Plateau ° Or, là…

Sat, October 7th, 3:00 PM

For people from 1 – 99 years


Or, là… shows the encounter of Janus with – a crosswalk. He could just cross it, but our hero is no longer quite sure. From this absurd situation, he is sent on a journey in which he travels beyond himself, until he meets his own doppelganger, who has become reality. A musical journey, aesthetic and between dream and reality, created for the street, the place of daily and fleeting encounters and fleeting encounters, delicate and also brutal, with all the expressive possibilities.


The performance begins at 3 pm on Willy-Brand-Platz.

The two companies SiSiNonNon and Le Collectif du Plateau ° Or, là… are presented by Palmira Picón, director of Quelques’Arts … , National Center for Street Art and Public Space in Annonay.
